How Do We Access the Story the Bible is Telling?

Oct 30, 2022    Dennis Moles

In the American evangelical church culture, we use the term "biblical" as a sanctifying modifier for all kinds of beliefs, practices, and opinions. We talk about having biblical marriages, being a biblical church, doing biblical theology, seeking biblical counseling, and having a biblical worldview as we attempt to live as biblical Christians.

As Christians in West Michigan, we use the term "biblical" ALL THE TIME. But rarely do we take the time to consider and define what we mean when we say something is "biblical". This sermon series will focus on the Bible and what it means to be "biblical". We will attempt to answer a few key questions regarding the Holy Scriptures:

What are the Scriptures? What story do they tell? How should we handle them? What difference do they make?

In this message, we talk about how 14 books of the Old and New Testament TELL God's story of redemptive love communicated through the scriptures. This is not to say that these 14 books are superior to the other 52, but to say that these 14 carry along the entire narrative of human history as revealed through the Bible.